segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2018

Collocatios. Take and Have - Group 300

have, take
We often use common verbs like have and take with nouns like a showera drink:
took a shower. = I showered.
She had a drink. = She drank something.
I took a cold shower.
She had a nicerefreshing drink.
The verbs used most frequently in this way are:
have     take     make     give
We use have with:
Food and drink: a meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack, a cup of tea
Talking: a chat, a conversation, a discussion, a talk
Washing: a bath, a shower, a wash, a scrub
Resting: a break, a holiday, a rest
Disagreeing: an argument, a dispute, a fight, a quarrel
had a good breakfast before I left home.
We had a long talk about the problem.
The kids should have a bath before they go to bed.
She generally had a short holiday in July or August.
They had a serious quarrel about their father’s will.
We also use have with nouns formed from verbs:
I think you should have a look at this.
She had a bite of the cake.
I’m thirsty. I’m going to have a drink of water.
had a listen to that new CD in the car.
They are going to have a swim.
We use take with:
Washing: a bath, a shower, a wash
Resting: a break, a holiday, a rest
I always take a cold shower in the morning.
You look tired. You need to take a break.
and with these words:
a turn
a chance
a decision
care of
the trouble
a risk
a photograph
We took hundreds of photographs on holiday.

 Teacher Valderez English Activities

take a bath/shower  example:  I like to take showers in the mornings and baths in the evening.
take a bit example: I took a bite of the sandwich when I noticed it has tomatoes which I’m allergic to.
take a break example: I have been studying for five hours, I need to take a break.
take a bus example: John takes the bus to get to school.
 take a look example: Take a look at this dress, I want to wear it to prom.
 take a minute (ten minutes) example: It will take ten minutes for me to get there.
 take a nap example:  I didn’t sleep very well last night, I need to take a nap.
 take a photo example: Can you take a photo of us?
 take a phone call :example: Greg, I will take this phone call in my office.
 take a seat  example: Maggie take a seat and I’ll be right with you.
 take a walk example: The weather is great, we should take a walk.
 take action example: The city needs to take action and fight against crime.
 take advantage example: I take advantage of the fact that my friend works in a clothes boutique.
 take care example: Take care of yourself or you’ll get sick again.
 take charge: example: The deputy took charge in the case of the robbery.
 take notes example: Mary always takes notes during classes.
 take one’s breath away example: When I saw her, she took my breath away.
 take responsibility example: You need to take responsibility for your actions.
 1. I’m tired. I’m going to ___________________________. 2. Ow, my head hurts! I ___________________________. I need to take an aspirin. 3. You should drive safely or you might ___________________________. 4. Thomas isn’t hungry because he already ___________________________ an hour ago. 5. You should see this strange spider I found! Come here and ___________________________. 6. I didn’t ___________________________ yesterday. I had a shower instead. 7. It was Sue’s birthday so we decided to surprise her. We ___________________________. 8. I love to ___________________________ each morning. It helps to wake me up. 9. If you ___________________________, you can ask me for help. 10. We ___________________________ on our holiday … a terrible time, really. It rained for a week. 11. I can’t see you at 3 o’clock. I ___________________________ with my boss at that time.

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2018

Hi,People. Here you are. Let's improve even more our English?

 Discourse markers are essentially linking words. They show how one piece of conversation is connected to another piece of conversation
Discourse markers  ( reinforce one idea  /  contrast ideas )
For example:
 Mum: “So, how was school today Dylan?”
 Dylan: “Oh, it was ok. You know, that Tom is so rude.”
Mum: “Really? Why do you say that?”
Dylan: “Wellfirstly he stole my apple at lunch and wouldn’t give it back. Then he called me names and wouldn’t let me have a turn on the computer.”
Mum: “No way? That’s not kind. The thing is Dylan, he’s a bit of a bully. If I were you, I’d try to ignore him as much as you can or tell the teacher if he’s being really bad.
Discourse markers organise what we say and write.
Discourse markers are words or phrases like anyway, right, okay, as I say, to begin with. We use them to connect, organise and manage what we say or write or to express attitude:
[friends are talking]
A-So, I’ve decided I’m going to go to the bank and ask for a car loan.
B:That sounds like a good idea.
C:Well, you need a car.
A:Anyway, I was wondering if either of you would teach me how to drive.
The discourse markers in this extract have a number of uses:so marks the beginning of a new part of the conversation.
well marks a change in the focus (from getting a car loan to needing a car).
right marks a response (B is agreeing with C).
anyway marks a shift in topic (from buying a new car to having driving lessons).
Some Discourse Makers: anyway, like, right, you know, now, so, I mean, well, as I say, great, okay, mind you,for a start...
In writing, the following discourse markers are common: , firstly ,in addition ,moreover, on the other hand, secondly, in conclusion, on the one hand, to begin with, thirdly ,in sum
We use different discourse markers in speaking and writing. In speaking, the following discourse markers are very common: firstly, in addition, moreover, on the other hand, secondly, in conclusion, on the one hand ,to begin with, thirdly, in sum

on the other hand
at least

1. I had a terrible day at work and lost my umbrella too.  I spoke to that nice guy who works in the coffee shop at last
2. Television turns people into lazy couch potatoes.  , there are some educational programmes on.
3.  , I would like to welcome you all to the conference today.
4.  the film was a little boring, we still had a nice evening out.
5. I've always known Caroline as a mean person.  , she lent me $10 yesterday without me having to ask twice!
6. I got up at 9 o'clock yesterday and had a cold shower.  , I had breakfast and left for work.
7. My brother works in a large office  I work on my own at home.
8. Why do you think I don't want to go out tonight.  , I would be delighted to get out of the house.
9. You should go to university as it gives you a chance to meet so many new people. , it gives you the chance to get important qualifications and get a better job.
10. I don't want to go to the football game. Football bores me and I don't want to pay $40 for a ticket.  , look at the weather! All that rain!


segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2018

PREFIXES AND SUFIXES Groups 302 to 305
Prefixes prefix is a set of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Each prefix has a general meaning, so you will be able to understand what a word with a prefix means more easily. Let's look at an example.
The first man looks very friendly! I think it would be nice to spend time with him.
The second man looks 
unfriendly. I don't think it would be much fun to spend time with him!
We can see in the second sentence that we added the prefix "un-" to the word "friendly." This prefix "un-" means "not" or "the opposite of."

Here are more examples with the prefix "un-":
happy ----> unhappy
finished ----> unfinished
believable ----> unbelievable
acceptable ----> unacceptabl
These words are all adjectives. We can also use the prefix "un-" with verbs
Look at these examples:
do ----> undo
plug in ----> unplug

When you see a word that begins with the prefix "un-", you can know its meaning by looking at the word's root (the part that is not the prefix or the suffix). It might be a word you already know!
be careful! Be sure you've seen the whole prefix before you decide the word's meaning. 
Look at the word below:  underdeveloped
Let's try to find the prefix. Is it "un-" as in underdeveloped? No, that doesn't sound right!
We know the word "develop," which means "to grow bigger or become more advanced." This is  the root of our word!
So, the prefix must be 
under, which means "below," "lower," or "not enough." The word underdeveloped means "not developed enough.

The table below has some common prefixes, their meaning, and an example word.

Example word
not, opposite of
in-, im-
incorrect, impossible
redo (do again)
below, lower, not enough

suffix is a set of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Each suffix has a general meaning, so you will be able to understand what a word with a suffix means more easily. 
Let's look at an example.: A couple is getting married because they love each other very much.
A teddy bear is so cute and lovable!
We can see in the second sentence that we added the suffix "-able" to the word "love." This suffix "-able" means "capable of being" or "able to be." 
So, the word lovable means something is able to be loved, or it makes you feel love for it.
Here are more examples with the suffix "-able" or "-ible" (depending on the root word):
present ----> presentable
comfort ----> comfortable
depend ----> dependable
reach ----> reachable
"-able" is an example of an adjective suffix. Any time you see a word ending in "-able", it is an adjective.
Some suffixes are noun suffixes. They always make a noun. For example, "-ment" talks about an "action" or a "process":
enjoy ----> enjoyment
treat ----> treatmentgovern ----> government
Do you remember the word underdeveloped that we look at a moment ago? The root of this word is "develop."
The root is the same, but we have used the noun suffix ment, so this is the process or action of developing.
The table below has some common adjective suffixes, their meaning, and an example word.

Example word
-able, -ible
able to be
full of
not having, without

And here are some noun suffixes, their meaning, and an example word.

Example word
place or state of being
a person who does
action or process
state of being

Now that we've learned some common prefixes and suffixes, it's time to practice!
Exercise A: Prefixes
Complete the sentences by writing the correct prefix in the blank space. You can use a dictionary to help you.
dis-             -in               mis-               re-               un-               under-

1. I just can't believe it! The story is _____believable!
2. No, that answer is _____correct. It is wrong.
3. Let's look at this information again. We should _____view it before the test.
4. I saw Allison just a moment ago, but now I can't find her! It seems that she _____appeared!
5. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you correctly. I _____understood you.
6. The subway does not go over the land like a normal train. It moves _____ground.
Exercise B: Adjective suffixes
Complete the words that describe the pictures below. Use the suffixes from the list.
-able               -ful               -less1. The first woman is very tired. She wants to rest!
2.The second woman can't stay still. She always wants to move! She is rest_____.
3.The first dog isn't cute. He's a little scary_______________
4.The second dog is very cute! He's ador_____!
5 Jason writes lots of lists, so he always remembers what he has to do. He never forgets!
6.But Melanie can't remember anything! She's very forget_____!
Exercise C: Noun suffixes
Complete the sentences that describe the pictures using the correct suffix. You can use a dictionary to help you.
-dom               -er               -ment               -ness

1. I teach science in big a university. I am a physics teach_____.
2. Sir Alan is King Richard's best knight. He is brave and strong. He is the most important knight in Richard's whole king_____!     
 3. Henrietta is my best friend. She is wonderful! The best thing about her is her kind_____. She is alway
4. The kids always have fun together. They never disagree or have an argu_____.